Jessica Rohrig
Jessica Rohrig

Squat: 205 lbs

Deadlift: 295 lbs

Bench: 125

Dogs: 2


CrossFit Level 1


Jessica Rohrig

Growing up, I played soccer and danced competitively, but I didn't really know what weightlifting was until high school. I have always been active but didn't think about fitness as a lifestyle until I got older. I started CrossFit in 2018 and have been doing it in one capacity or another since then. I have noticed my biggest improvements over the last 1.5-2 years as I focused on consistency and started to understand better how sleeping and eating played into it as well. I still have a long way to go but the fundamentals have really clicked and even the smallest of accomplishments push me to continue to see what else I achieve. I continue to show up not only for myself but for the friends that I've made in this community!

My motivation to coach was to help people push themselves to do what they never thought they could. I truly enjoy watching athletes meet their goals and hit milestones they never thought they could get to. I learn something new every time I coach a class whether it is a better way to cue someone or a new modification to meet the athlete on their level. Celebrating even the smallest of wins or sharing a little extra encouragement on the days that are harder than others is what motivates me to continue on this coaching journey.